Furthermore, The story of the game revolves around the Simpson family. When the family takes matters into their hands, along with the help of Apu, after that, they discover many shocking secrets. And they find that these incident are part of a large alien conspiracy caused by Kang and Kodos. This game has positive reviews from the critics and praise also. The game has received the award. Over 3 million copies of the games were sold in July 2007. The game has a sandbox-style format that emphasizes driving, and the player controls their character. Furthermore, this is an action-adventure game. The player can use vehicles that drive endless around town and use a phone booth to select a car. Each level can collect, such as coins which can be gathered by either smashing Buz cola vending machines. Summary:- Finally, we hope that you get all the information about your favourite game The Simpson Hit & Run PS2. We are regularly uploading PS2 and PS3 games on this website. Please support and bookmark this website. Also, like our Facebook page and subscribe to our push notification for future updates.