The player essentially controls a swordsman named Soki who holds the capacities from past Onimusha legends. The evil presences’ spirits permit the player to increment the energy of his weapons and insurance and in addition, reestablish the character’s wellbeing and enchantment powers. Soki can likewise enter for a brief timeframe into the Oni mode which expands his powers. While acquiring enough understanding, Soki steps up which gives the player the alternative of expanding any of Soki’s abilities and getting another move thus. You are in charge of taking care of their weaponry and level up. Amid gameplay, the second character that isn’t controlled by the player can be issued orders by means of the directional catches. The player can likewise control the supporting character, enabling him to utilize the character’s exceptional aptitudes to play out an activity Soki can’t. Summary:- Finally, we hope that you got all the information about the favourite game Onimusha Dawn of Dreams PS2. Further, if you need any assistance, then write to us. Please like and share our Facebook page and subscribe push notification. Also, bookmark our website for quick access in the future and stay connected with us.