The story follows Artyom, a Ranger putting in Moscow’s metro system after a devastating nuclear war. Tasked with locating the mysterious Dark Ones, Artyom must venture to unlike parts of the metro system. Besides that, the surface is filled with radiated gases, and combats against different factions, and evolve monsters. The game improves on various gameplay mechanics of 2033 and initiates elements such as weapon modification. Metro Last Light game received positive reviews from gaming critics and other gaming platforms. Mostly all the critics appreciate this game for the visual graphics and story, only criticize for the linear sequences. Critics also praised this game for the gameplay, fight sequences, and new features. Overall this is a nice game for the game lover and I had also played this on my PC with the help of Rpcs3 Emulator and really, believe me, I got lots of adventure, thrill, and excitement. In the gameplay, the game offers more freedom to you, and also permits you to utilize unlike strategies to fight with enemies. Metro Last Light game features destructible conditions. Summary:- We hope you got all the information about the Metro Last Light PS3 game. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comment section. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.