Not at all like the initial three classic Sonic games, in the wake of finishing the main demonstration, the player can unreservedly pick which zone to play through a world guide, or play the zones sequentially. Each of the four zones contains three acts, trailed by a different supervisor fight act, as opposed to the manager being incorporated toward the finish of the third act. Each boss act is opened by finishing every one of the three acts in that zone. The boss fights, like the zones themselves, are awakened by the supervisor fights from more seasoned Sonic titles, despite the fact that there are varieties. When all acts and supervisor fights inside each zone are cleared, players access a fifth and last zone. Summary:- We hope you got all the information about the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 PS3 games. Feel free to write your issues in the comment section or leave feedback. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.