In this game, the player has only 13 levels with no random geometry. After completing a level there is a plus challenge available for the player. For upgrading his health, armour and weapons the player has to collect the special point. Coded Arms Contagion PSP game includes some new features the power to hack computer panels, doors and turrets. After diffusion aggressively through Earth’s networks, and sucking all the information it faces. It turned into a program that wanted users to completely digitize their personalities to jack in, change their lives for entry to the rich cache of data. After a massive undertaking, A.I.D.A. has finally been implied.The viral blast that corrupts every date faced, carried by a group known only as “Maelstrom”. Thos game receives the favourable response from the critics. Summary:- I hope you got all the information and read all the faqs about Coded Arms Contagion PSP. Like Our Facebook Page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.