The Rayne unwillingness to perform the desired action at the specific moment you tap a button casts a shadow over the torrid bloodshed you perpetrate. Benign platform portions become hellacious tests of luck. Thanks to unresponsive inputs and predictable bosses turn into all-powerful monstrosities because Rayne won’t obey your anxious commands. Still, there are times when light breaks through the clouds and the deep combat system works as it should. Enemies fall like fleshy dominoes to the surly swings of your blade and you pirouette around the screen like a crazed dancer. But those fleeting instances of greatness are not enough to extract the stake from BloodRayne Betrayal chest in all of the game. Summary:- We hope you got all the information about BloodRayne Betrayal PS3 games. Feel free to write your issues in the comment section or leave feedback. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.