Aiden, as an ethereal element, exists for all time in no-clip mode and can travel through dividers, roofs, and different hindrances; in any case, he is constrained to moving just inside a specific span around Jodie because of their profound tethering. While playing as Aiden, the game winds up plainly monochromatic. Among the shades of greys, intuitive items are featured by a quality sparkling in one of a few hues, with the shade of the emanation demonstrating his potential cooperation: orange characters can be controlled, red characters choked, blue protests thumped around, and green characters recuperated. Jodie often calls upon Aiden to give distinctive capacities. Summary:- We hope you got all the information about the Beyond Two Souls PS3 game. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comment section. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.