Bastion is an action role-playing game with a level structure. The player character, “the Kid”, travels through gliding, dream-themed situations that shape ways as the player approaches the edge. Levels comprise of a single plane and are seen isometrically. They are loaded up with enemies of different kinds, which endeavour to hurt the Kid. The Kid conveys two weapons, which might be chosen from the decisions accessible to the player at particular areas called arsenals. The Kid additionally can play out an uncommon assault. Weapons and extraordinary assaults must be obtained before they can be used. Like dark tonics, the Kid can just convey a specific number of well-being tonics at any given moment. They can renew them by discovering more in the levels. Levels contain various condition composes, including urban areas, woodlands, and bogs. At the finish of most levels, the player gathers a thing called a center or a shard; periodically. The level starts to deteriorate once the Kid takes the thing, constraining him to hurriedly withdraw. As the player advances through the levels, a voice portrays their actions. This portrayal gives scripted plot data and in addition dynamic remarks, for example, on the player’s ability with a weapon or execution while battling enemies. Summary: – We hope you got all the information about the Bastion PS4 game. You can write your queries in the comment section. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.